Leek (Allium ampeloprasum)

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Allium ampeloprasum - Wikipedia
Allium ampeloprasum - USDA PLANTS Database
All About Growing Leeks - Mother Earth News

Duration: Perennial with bulbs Native to: Southern Europe to western AsiaEdibility: All PartsStatus in Yard: Garden

I grew leeks successfully in 2016 and 2017, In 2016, I added a pile of rich soil in one of my non-raised beds and planted several leek starts in it. Over time, the pile shrank, but I managed to keep the leeks deep in the soil by adding more soil to the top. I could have added even more at the surface as the leeks grew to prevent the production of chlorophyll, resulting in longer white parts of the plants.
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On May 5, 2017, I harvested the second leek of the year. As of May 18, I still have three plants left.

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