Bulb Onion (Allium cepa)

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Onion - Wikipedia
Allium cepa - USDA PLANTS Database
All About Growing Onions - Mother Earth News

Duration: Biennial or perennial Native to: Unknown. Related wild species occur in Central AsiaEdibility: All PartsStatus in Yard: Garden

In November 2016, I bought two bundles of bulb onion starts, a red one and a white one whose varieties I don't remember, and put all of them in the garden, partly in Bed 3/Plots 6 & 7 and partly in the S bed and I bed. These onion plants are in Bed 3. Their leaves are still green as of May 18, 2017.
Click the photo to see it bigger!
In general, they grew slowly and did not get very big. I harvested the ones in the S bed on May 18, 2017. According to Mother Earth News, I did the post-harvest all wrong. I should have cured the onions in a cool dry place with the roots and leaves still attached. I cut them off as soon as I brought them inside. The tile in the photo is one square foot.

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