Green Cutworm Moth (Anicla infecta)

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Anicla infecta - Wikipedia
Anicla infecta - BugGuide
Paper about Anicla infecta - Brazilian Journal of Biology

I found this green cutworm moth on the dirt in one of my raised beds on March 2, 2017. The species has a lot of variation in its markings. It occurs in Europe and throughout the Americas. The larvae feed on several native and cultivated plants, including potatoes, onions, and especially grasses.
Click the photo to enlarge it
Anicla larvae go through the stages of egg, instars, and pupation on the ground or underground. I haven't found clear answers about this, except that they pupate underground, and the larvae hide under fallen leaves and other objects on the ground. As cutworm moths, the larvae eat the first part of a plant they encounter, which is invariably the bottom of the stem. Thus they usually cut down an entire plant, and they usually don't return to the one they previously cut down, but go to the next plant they bump into.

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