Blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata)

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Bird Taxonomy

Blue jay - Wikipedia
Blue jay - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Blue jays live in my yard year-round. They would eat the acorns from my water oak, until I had the tree removed. This blue jay was resting on the arbor in my backyard on May 13, 2014.

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On that day, this blue jay's fledgling chick fell out of it's nest and couldn't fly. I got some pictures of it, and unfortunately scared it quite a lot.
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At one point, he/she flew away from me, right into my breezeway, where my cat was sitting. The cat grabbed the fledgling and took it inside my house. I ran in and saved the bird, but the cat might have injured it. I tried to put it back in the tree, but it fell again. The mother blue jay complained a lot when I brought her fledgling out. I found the fledgling dead the next day.

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