Asian tramp snail (Bradybaena similaris)

Animals by Picture
Snails by Picture
Gastropod Taxonomy

Bradybaena similaris - Wikipedia
Terrestrial Snails - University of Florida
Bradybaena similaris -

Thanks to Mollusk Man, whose website celebrates Houston mollusks, for the ID.

Bradybaena similaris might be the most common and widely distributed snail in the world. It was inadvertently brought to North America from its native Southeast Asia. Unlike native Texan snails, which eat decomposing plant matter, it eats living plants, leaving the many holes with which gardeners are very well acquainted.

This species's shell pattern and color can vary considerably between individuals.

I found this Asian tramp snail on March 10, 2017. It was on a leaf, and I was able to video it for a couple minutes, holding the leaf in one hand and the camera (phone) in the other.

Here are some stills from that video.

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