Whitemouth Dayflower (Commelina erecta)

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Spiderwort/Dayflower - Foraging Texas
Whitemouth Dayflower - Texas A&M University
Commelina erecta - Wikipedia
Commelina erecta - Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Commelina erecta - USDA PLANTS Database

Duration: Perennial Native to: The Americas, Africa and western AsiaEdibility: Leaves, stemStatus in Yard: Abundant in back yard

Whitemouth dayflower is one of the more dominant plants in my yard. I often pull it up, especially when it starts to take over one of my garden beds. It is perennial, and the roots I don't manage to remove produce another plant in short order. On the other hand, it is a native species, and all parts of it are edible and taste pretty good raw.

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Whitemouth dayflower seedlings, which often appear in my garden beds and elsewhere.

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I was surprised to see how long the baby roots were when only the cotyledon had appeared. This was taken on August 23, 2019.

Closeup of the flower on May 18, 2014
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