Firerug Inkcap (Coprinellus domesticus)

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Coprinellus domesticus -

Coprinellus domesticus - Wikipedia

I found three of these mushrooms growing out from under a log on March 8, 2017, the day after a hard rain. The species is distiguished from most other Coprinellus species by the furry orange rug of mycelia at the base of the fruiting bodies. When I rolled over the log on which they were growing, the rug was clear to see.

Here is how the cleanest of the three looked from the top. It appears to be next to the log, but I saw it was attached to the underside of the log when I rolled it over.

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This shows the gills and stem of one of the other firerug inkcaps nearby.
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I went back the next day, rolled over the log again, and saw the characteristic moss-like myceleum on the underside of the log.

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This picture shows the condition of the mushroom I used for the gill photo, taken on the next day.
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A firerug Inkcap deliquesing (liquifying) on March 11, 2017.
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