Cyathus striatus

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Cyathus striatus - Wikipedia
Cyathus - Wikipedia
Nidulariaceae - Wikipedia
Cyathus striatus -

Cyathus striatus is one of about 45 bird's nest fungi. The taxonomy of the family Nidulariaceae is currently in dispute since genetic analysis has shown that the species within it are split between three more distantly related genetic groups. For example, many are related to gilled mushrooms, but some are related to  puff balls. From what I can tell, the process of reassigning the species to higher taxa has not been officially completed, so I am sticking with the older classification for now.

I discovered Cyathus striatus around May 16, 2016, near the northeast corner of the back yard. It possibly got there from some soil I had bought. It grew in a group that covered about a square foot of ground.
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