Tropical orb weaver (Eriophora ravilla)

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Spider Taxonomy

Eriophora ravilla - University of Florida

I found this immature tropical orb weaver hiding in a leaf of one of my satsuma trees on September 21, 2016.

Click the photo to see it larger
Tropical orbweavers have a range of looks. Here is a female with a narrow white stripe on her abdomen from March 10, 2017. I wanted to take her picture when she was on her web, but she tried to avoid me and ended up on this azalea leaf.
Click the photo to see it larger
 Here is another look of the same species.

And yet another, on February 27, 2017...
And another on February 27, 2017...
Here is the underside of the same spider, with her spinneret clearly visible. Keep in mind that this spider is very small, and it was hard to keep everything in focus with my snap-on iphone macro lens.