Spotted Spurge (Euphorbia maculata)

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Euphorbia maculata - Wikipedia
Chamaesyce maculata - USDA PLANTS Database
Chamaesyce maculata - Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

Duration: Annual Native to: North AmericaEdibility: PoisonousStatus in Yard: Driveway and otherwise bare areas around the lot

Spotted Spurge (Euphorbia maculata) is considered poisonous and carcinogenic. It appears as small, low-lying plants on my driveway and elsewhere on the front yard. It is native to the U.S, and has the ecological role of a pioneer species, making new or damaged land livable for successive plants.

This individual spotted spurge was growing on my driveway on October 19, 2014.
Click the photo to enlarge it

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