Pennsylvania cudweed (Gamochaeta pensylvanica)

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Gamochaeta pensylvanica - Wikipedia

Gamochaeta pensylvanica - Go Botany
Gamochaeta pensylvanica - Flora of North America
Gamochaeta pensylvanica - USDA PLANTS Database

Duration: Annual Origination: DisputedEdibility: Not described as edibleStatus in Yard: Sparce

I first noticed Pennsylvania cudweed in the back yard on April 19, 2014, but I wasn't able to identify it at the time.
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It turned up again, or maybe I just noticed it again, by what was left of my leaf mold pile on April 1, 2017.
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The inflorescences do not have ray flowers; instead, bracts surround the concave flower heads. Multiple flower heads are crowded together.
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