January 2016

January 2016

Of all the seeds I sowed on October 25, 2015, these are the ones that grew enough to become food in the S bed:
  • Bok Choi (seeds from last year’s plants)
  • Bok Choi White Stem
  • Collards Georgia Southern
  • Fennel Florence Finocchio
  • Kale Dwarf Blue Curled
  • Kale Red Winter
  • Kohlrabi Purple & White Vienna Blend
  • Mustard Red Giant
  • Mustard Southern Giant Curled
  • Radish Crimson Giant
  • Radish Watermelon Mantanghong

The bok choi, collards, and mustard dominated the bed, and there were three good fennel plants. The I-bed had over 30 good, big radishes.

January 4, 2016

Garcia Tree Service finished putting in a root barrier around the front yard periphery.