June 2014

June 10, 2014

Eggplant was flowering.
A hackberry was growing by the east fence.
The American beautyberry was flowing.
Watermelon plants were growing, but none survived long.
Ripe cucumbers were on the vines.
The two basils near the back fence were healthy but small.
More partially eaten tomatoes on the ground.
The butterfly bush was flowering.
In the northwest corner, the lantana and shrimp plant were both growing well. The shrimp plant had a few flowers.
A small crusty fungus was growing on the wood surrounding the honeysuckle.
Horseweed was getting over a foot tall behind the garage.
A lot of bird waste was on the back patio.
The lemon beebalm was flowering.
The lemongrass was over three feet tall.
I had stopped mowing the backyard sometime before this day.
I noticed that eastern redbud was growing out of the hedges west of the garage by the driveway.
Bahiagrass was flowering in a patch to the west of the driveway.

June 12, 2014

I took some bad pictures of a robin in the new garden bed behind my bedroom.
June 16, 2014
I got my Nikon around this time.
I took pictures of a small yellow moth and a small black fly in the star jasmine near the back fence.
The tropical milkweed was flowering.
The strawberries were flowering, but I never got to eat any of the berries.
I took pictures of a large black and red beetle on the back outer wall of the garage.

June 17, 2014

The oregano was flowering.
The far western bed was completed but still bare.
I had two large compost piles and some veggie scraps from Whole Foods by the west side of the house.
I had recently collected some larger logs and put them in a pile in the northwest corner of the back yard.
One of the cucumber plants had downy mildew and was dying quickly. The ones on the other trellis only had small patches of mildew and still looked healthy.
The okra plants on the tall mound had some small fruit.

June 21, 2014

Some swamp lilies were flowering.
The monkey grass was flowering.
I got some good pics of a black soldier fly.
The Italian basil was flowering.
The shrimp plant was flowering.