Nightcrawler (Lumbricus terrestris)

Animals by Picture
Earthworms by Picture
Earthworm Taxonomy

Earthworms - Texas A&M
Lumbricus terrestris - Wikipedia

I have often found earthworms when digging in the dirt in the yard. Finally, on March 2, 2017, I thought to photograph one of them.
Click the photo to enlarge it
As common these earthworms are around the country, and as "natural" they seem, this species came from Europe with the human invaders and displaced the native North American earthworms, which are now mostly extinct.

Nightcrawlers can grow very long in the right conditions, but in the Houston area, I usually don't see any more than about six inches long. However, On April 18, 2017, after a heavy rain, some long earthworms, up to a foot long, came up out of the ground in a plant-less depression and traveled around on the surface for a while.

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