White Sweet Clover (Melilotus albus)

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Melilotus albus - Wikipedia
Melilotus albus - USDA PLANTS Database (uses name Melilotus officinalis)
Melilotus albus - MissouriPlants.com

Duration: Annual or perennial Origination: Europe and AsiaEdibility: Not described as edible for humans. Used in honey production and forage for cattleStatus in Yard: Herb Garden, Spreading

I had one white sweet clover plant in my yard, and I took its picture on May 10, 2014. It is a highly invasive plant, which was originally brought to the U.S. as cattle forage. In 2017, it grew quite a lot in my herb garden, and I removed most of it.
Click the photo to enlarge it
This picture was taken on May 16, 2014
Click the photo to enlarge it

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