Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)

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Lemon balm - Wikipedia
Lemon balm - University of Maryland Medical Center

Duration: Perennial Native to: south-central Europe, the Mediterranean Basin, Iran, and Central AsiaEdibility: Leaves and stemsStatus in Yard: Herb garden

I added a transplant of lemon balm to my herb garden on September 16, 2013. It has grown and spread since then, and it is still going strong in 2017. I primarily use in for tea, adding a bunch of leaves to a teapot and steeping them in hot water. It has a nice lemony flavor, though it also has a hint of soapiness to it.

Some claims as to its health benefit have been substantiated. The University of Maryland Medical Center has published some information about it.

Here is the lemon balm transplant I put in my new herb garden in 2013.
Click the photo to enlarge it

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