Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)

Animals by Picture
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Bird Taxonomy

Northern Mockingbird - Wikipedia
Northern Mockingbird - The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Northern Mockingbird - Audobon Society

Mockingbirds live in and around my yards all year. The males are easily identifiable by their songs in the spring, and both genders flash white patches on the bottoms of their wings when they fly. They are territorial, and they harass other birds who encroach on their turf. However, my experience has been that they tolerate robins in the same small area.

According to Cornell, Northern Mockingbirds eat mainly insects in summer but switch to eating mostly fruit in fall and winter.

This mockingbird was perching on my west fence on May 19, 2017.
Click on the photo to see it bigger!

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