October 2015

October 25, 2015

I had neglected my garden since late spring because I was preoccupied with my nonprofit activities. A heavy rain was forecast for October 25, and I had a lot of unused seeds on hand. That morning, I decided to toss all those seeds around the garden instead of waiting a whole year to use them. Here are the seeds I sowed (Botanical Interests seeds except when noted):

  • Artichoke Green Globe Improved
  • Arugula Dragon’s Tongue
  • Arugula Rocket Salad, Roquette
  • Beet Bull’s Blood
  • Bok Choi (seeds from last year’s plants)
  • Bok Choi White Stem
  • Broccoli Di Cicco
  • Broccoli Romanesco
  • Brussels Sprouts Long Island Improved
  • Cabbage Red Acre
  • Chinese Cabbage One Kilo Slow Bolt
  • Carrot Danvers 126
  • Carrot Calliope Blend
  • Carrot Scarlet Nantes
  • Cauliflower Chef’s Choice Blend
  • Chard (Swiss) Ruby Red/Rhubarb
  • Collards Georgia Southern
  • Fennel Florence Finocchio
  • Kale Dwarf Blue Curled
  • Kale Italian Lacinato, Nero Toscana
  • Kale Red Winter
  • Kale Toscana (seeds from last year’s plants)
  • Kohlrabi Purple & White Vienna Blend
  • Mustard Red Giant
  • Mustard Southern Giant Curled
  • Onion Yellow Granex
  • Radish Crimson Giant
  • Radish (Daikon) Miyashige White
  • Radish Watermelon Mantanghong