Flat-top Mille Graines (Oldenlandia corymbosa or Hedyotis corymbosa)

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Oldenlandia - Wikipedia
Hedyotis - Wikipedia
Oldenlandia corymbosa - USDA PLANTS Database
Oldenlandia corymbosa - Useful Tropical Plants
Hedyotis corymbosa - Globinmed

Duration: Annual Origination: Tropical & Southern Africa, India, Tropical AmericaEdibility: LeavesStatus in Yard: Modest in front yard

Flat-top mille graines (Oldenlandia corymbosa or Hedyotis corymbosa) is a small delicate forb that crawls along the ground. I have spotted it among the grass and other small forbs in the front yard.
Here it is mixed with other plants (some cropped from photo) on October 19, 2014,
Click the photo to enlarge it
Flat-top mille graines is considered to have multiple medical and health benefits, which you can read about using the Useful Tropical Plants and Globinmed links above.