Hardy Sweet Marjoram--"Sicilian Oregano" (Origanum x majoricum)

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Oregano - Wikipedia
Hardy Marjoram - Plants for a Future

Duration: Perennial, evergreen Origination: temperate western and southwestern Eurasia and the Mediterranean regionEdibility: leavesStatus in Yard: Herb Garden

I planted the "Sicilian oregano" in my new herb garden on September 16, 2013. It has done well. Like the mints, it tends to get sickly and lose its leaves in the early fall, leaving bare, dead looking stems, then just as quickly bounces back to look like it has always been a vision of health. For a while, I would add it to the jars of carrots in vinegar I would take to work as a snack. 

According to Wikipedia,  "Sicilian oregano" is more officially called Hardy Sweet Marjoram. It is a hybrid between the southern Adriatic Origanum v. hirtum and sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana).

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Marjoram beginning to flower on May 24, 2014

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Close up of flowers starting to bloom on May 24, 2014
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