Plot 3

The Urban Harvest rotation provides the following directions for Plot 3:

"Plot 3: Salads, Watermelons, and Cabbage Family
In plot 3, from November to February, plant about 70 sq. ft. in lettuce and other non-cabbage family
salad greens such as minutina and miner’s lettuce. Save the ends of beds for artichokes. Plant from
November to May perhaps 70 sq. ft. of globe artichoke transplants companion planted with Berseem
clover. In late March, remove the remains of the lettuce and plant watermelon down the center of
the bed. If watermelon finishes before late July, plant buckwheat. In September, plant the entire bed
in cabbage family plants: mizuna, broccoli, kale, collards, cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi, radish, cress, arugula, daikon, bok choy, kai lan, Chinese cabbage, and other Asian Brassicas. Plant cauliflower, broccoli, and early cabbage at ends of beds. In November, change the plot number to Plot 4."

On March 1, 2016, Plot 3 was in the south half of Bed 2, and I planted Crimson Sweet watermelon. Like everything else at that time, the watermelon plants grew very slowly. Towards the end, they had produced a good number of leaves, but only a few flowers and no fruit.

On March 20, the watermelon plants had the beginnings of true leaves.

On August 25, 2016,  I removed the watermelon vines. They were finally starting to create melons, but I wanted to keep up with my rotation schedule. 

The next morning, I planted the remainder of the small transplants I had raised in my light shelf: collards “Georgia Southern”, cabbage “Michi hili”, kale “Dwarf Blue Curled”, cauliflower “Chef’s Choice Blend”, and broccoli “Summer Purple.” I then sowed seeds in the rest of Plot 3: radish “Crimson Giant”, radish “French Breakfast”, and bok choy “Rosette.”

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