Plot 4

The Urban Harvest rotation provides the following directions for Plot 4:

"Plot 4: Cabbage, Spring Beets, and Sweet Potatoes
In plot 4, grow the cabbage family (see above) November to May. When fall mizuna is no longer needed, plant broccoli in January or February. Protect from snails with bottomless nursery pots. Plant more mizuna and arugula in empty places. In February, plant beets and chard at the ends of beds. In May, tear out everything but the remaining beets and chard, and plant sweet potatoes. Harvest these from August to November and plant a green manure crop such as Berseem clover, vetch, oats, or cereal rye in the fall. In November, change the plot number to 5."

In early March 2016, Plot 4 was in the north half of Bed 2. Soon thereafter, I sowed chard, arugula, and beet seeds.

On March 20, the chard, arugula, and beet seedlings had grown very little.

On March 27, I noticed very tiny true leaves growing from the arugula seedlings. They, along with the beets and chard, had been very slow to leaf.

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