Plot 5

The Urban Harvest rotation provides the following directions for Plot 5:

"Plot 5: Spring Tomatoes, Corn, Summer Tropical Veggies, and Fall Roots
Once the sweet potatoes are harvested (Labor Day to Thanksgiving), plant green manure crops (see above). In late January, turn over enough green manure to plant spring tomatoes, and plant 3/4 plot of tomatoes in February to early March. In the remainder of the plot, plant corn (Marcn-June). When the corn and tomatoes finish, or among the corn, plant sesame, summer spinach, ginger, okra, yuca, and roselle, leaving about 1/4 plot where the tomatoes were for September carrots, parsnips, garlic chives and multiplying onions (September to November). Make this root area on the edges of the bed because there will be cantaloupes planted there next March. Plant this area in the summer, before fall roots are planted, with buckwheat. In November, change the plot number to Plot 6."

In February 2016, Plot 5 was in the south half of Bed 3. I had planted seven tomato transplants by February 28, including Early Girl and Patio varieties
Click the photo to see it larger!
On March 5, 2016, I sowed corn “Bodacious”.

On March 20, the two corn seedlings that the squirrels didn’t bother were growing rapidly, and the Early Girl and Patio tomato plants both had a single small tomato.

On March 27, the second planting of corn kernels were sprouting nicely after squirrels dug up the ones that were there before.

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