Plot 6

The Urban Harvest rotation provides the following directions for Plot 6:

"Plot 6: Carrots & Onion Family, Cantaloupes, Fall Beets
In plot 6, keep the onion and carrot family roots already planted. In what is left, in November, plant bulb onions, garlic, leeks, dill, cilantro, Italian parsley. Keep garlic and leeks near the edges of beds. Leave an area of one foot down the middle of the bed for late March cantaloupe
transplants. Plant these in late March. as these begin to crawl in late April, remove all vegetables and other vegetation before the vine gets within a few inches. Cantaloupes don’t compete. Use newspaper and mulch around the vines. In August to September, plant beets, chard, summer squash, green beans, Berseem clover or oats for hay mulch. In November, change the plot number to Plot 7."

On March 2, 2016, Plot 6 was in the north half of Bed 3. I planted some Hearts of Gold cantaloupe transplants I got from a store.

On March 7, 2016, some of the cantaloupe seeds had emerged.

On March 20, the cantaloupe plants had just started to produce true leaves. They were growing very slowly.
Click the photo to see it bigger!

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