Plot 8

The Urban Harvest rotation provides the following directions for Plot 7:

"Plot 8: Fall Tomatoes, Strawberries, Spring Beets, Peppers, Eggplant, Okra and Basil
In plot 8, keep the fall tomatoes until they finish or are frozen. In early November, plant two foot
wide strips of strawberries 6 in. to one foot apart across the beds between the tomatoes. Remove the old vines and cages when they finish. In January, plant about 30 sq. ft. of beets and chard. In late March, plant 40 sq. ft. of peppers. In May, plant the remaining strips not occupied by strawberries in eggplant, basil, okra, perilla, roselle, chaya, or yuca. These plants will shade the strawberries in late summer when they need it. In November, change the plot number to Plot 1."

Plot 8 started in the northern half of Bed 4. By February 28, 2016, I planted five pepper transplants at the northern end of the plot a banana pepper, a jalapeno, a cayenne, and two bell peppers. They included both store-bought plants and plants I had raised indoors under grow lights.

On March 20, the Siam Queen and Sweet basil plants were still a little sickly. The banana pepper had another pepper after I had eaten one a few before. The jalapeno had one small pepper and one new stub of one. The cayenne has several flowers but no peppers, and the two California Wonder bell peppers each had a few small peppers.

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