Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

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Rosemary - University of Illinois
Rosemary - The World's Healthiest Foods
Rosemary - Wikipedia
Rosemary - University of Maryland Medical Center

Duration: Perennial, evergreen Origination: Mediterranean and AsiaEdibility:  leaves, twigs, and flowering apicesStatus in Yard: Garden

I put a transplant of rosemary "Spice Island" in the new herb bed on September 16, 2013. It survived but did not grown much over the next three years, so I bought another rosemary plant and put it in the easternmost bed, at the northern end. Since then, both of them have been growing well. At my previous house, I had a large rosemary bush, and I cooked with rosemary a lot. Since I moved here I haven't used it much. The picture shows the original rosemary when I had just put it in my herb garden.

Click the photo to see it bigger!

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