Common Sage (Salvia officinalis)

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Salvia officinalis - Missouri Botanical Garden
Salvia officinalis - Plants for a Future
Salvia officinalis - Wikipedia

Duration: Perrenial, evergreen Origination: Mediterranean regionEdibility: Leaves and flowersStatus in Yard: Died, replaced in herb garden

I initially planted common sage in the herb garden plot I had just created between my house and back patio. This particular transplant ('Berggarten' sage) didn't last long.

Click the photo to enlarge it
On March 6, 2016, I bought a small plant of "tricolor" sage (Salvia officinales 'tricolor') to replace the sage that had died. Its leaves are much smaller than the previous sage, and I haven't used it much as of February 2017. It is still alive, but has not grown very fast.

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