Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)

Animals by Picture
Insects by Picture
Butterflies and Moths by Picture
Lepidoptera Taxonomy

Vanessa atalanta - Wikipedia
Red Admiral - University of Florida
Red Admiral - Butterflies and Moths of North America

When I went into the back yard in the early afternoon of February 16,2017, a red admiral landed on my sweatshirt and stayed a while. Unfortunately, I didn't have my phone (camera), so I had to go inside to get it. When I came back out, I saw it near the west fence. I let it flutter around for a while, and it eventually landed on a shredded leaf pile. I managed to take dozens of close-up photos with her staying in place and opening and shutting her wings.

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The ventral sides of the wings effectively camouflage the red admiral among the leaves and plant debris.
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