The Garden in 2014

Around February 16, 2014, I took the old trellises from my last house out of my garage and put them along the back fence. Here is how the trellises looked on that day:
On March 22, 2014, a friend came over and helped me build a mound. I had recently read about hugelkultur mounds and thought it would be cool to give one a try. Here is the mound we ended up with.

On March 28, 2014, the garden looked like this:

It's hard to see the Triangle Bed and the northern part of the C bed because they have small seedlings in them, and they are mulched with leaves. Not long before, I added trellises by the back fence to grow cucumbers and cantaloupe.

Here is how the garden looked on October 19, 2014. I had removed most of the star jasmine from the east half of the back fence, and added a raised keyhole bed by the east fence. A tall okra is growing in that bed, shown at the far right. The S bed still has large areas that are either unused or have small seedlings.

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