Common Woodland Sedge (Carex blanda)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants
Grasses and Sedges

Carex blanda - USDA PLANTS Database
Carex blanda - Illinois Wildflowers
Carex blanda - Go Botany

Duration: Perennial Origination: Eastern North AmericaEdibility: Seeds and tubersStatus in Yard: Uncertain

I spotted Common Woodland Sedge (Carex blanda) in the west side of my backyard on April 19, 2014. This sedge can occur in wetlands and non-wetlands. The status is currently uncertain because the area where it was growing was covered by a large leaf pile in early 2017. The leaves in that pile have all be shredded and moved to another pile nearby. As of May 2017, young sedges are growing in the original area, but it's too early to easily identify them easily.
Click the photo to enlarge it
The club-like element in the picture below is the staminate spikelet (the male organ). The pistillate spikelets (the female organs) are 8-18 mm long, 5 mm across. There are about ten perigynia (the sack-like structures that envelope the pistillate (female) flowers).

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