Mouse-ear Chickweed (Cerastium fontanum)

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Cerastium fontanum - Wikipedia
Cerastium fontanum - Illinois Wildflowers
Cerastium fontanum - Plants for a Future
Chickweed - Foraging Texas

Duration: Perennial Origination: EuropeEdibility: All partsStatus in Yard: Moderate

In March of 2014, I found that I had two species of chickweed, Mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium fontanum) and common chickweed (Stellaria media). The two plants look very similar, except for the shape of their flower petals and the hairs on their stems. Mouse-ear chickweed flowers have five vaguely U-shaped petals. Common chickweed also has five petals, but each petal appears to be two since the connection between the two halves of the "U" is only at the very bottom of the petal. Also, common chickweed only has one row of hairs on their stems, whereas mouse-eared chickweed stems are hairy all over.

Both plants are low ground covers, which I see in a few small patches around the yard. They are both edible, either raw or boiled.
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