Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants

Eastern Redbud - Identify That Plant
Eastern Redbud - Wikipedia
Eastern Redbud - USDA PLANTS Database

Duration: Perennial, deciduous Origination: eastern North AmericaEdibility: flowers, seedsStatus in Yard: one tree

An eastern redbud tree began growing out of the boxwood and azalea hedges on the west side of my driveway in 2015. I was very happy to see it since I love redbuds and their beautiful early-spring flowers. This is the Eastern Redbud on May 23, 2019.
The young sapling is emerging from behind a boxwood hedge on  April 15, 2014.
Click the photo to enlarge it
New redbud leaves on April 15, 2014
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On October 19, 2014, the eastern redbud had some kind of infection on its leaves. In the early spring of 2018, the redbud finally flowered, and by the end of March it had seed pods.
In the summer of 2016, the tree began getting fungus spots, which persisted until the leaves fell in late fall. The fungus wss probably Pseudocercospora vitis.

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