Meyer lemon (Citrus × meyeri)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Garden Plants
Fruit Trees and Vines

Meyer lemon - Wikipedia
Meyer Lemon - Gardening Know How

Duration: Perennial, evergreen Native to: ChinaEdibility: FruitStatus in Yard: One tree in west yard

According to Wikipedia, a Meyer lemon is a hybrid between a true lemon and either a mandarin or common orange. It originated in China and became popular in the U.S. in the 1990's.

I purchased a meyer lemon tree on January 23, 2015, along with a fig tree and a satsuma tree. The meyer lemon is the one on the right in this picture taken the next day.
Click the photo to enlarge it
The tree spent 2015 just growing, and it provided a good number of lemons in 2016. I placed it in the ground on the west (narrow) side of the driveway near the sidewalk.

In the second week of January 2017, temperatures dropped to the low 20s for two nights, and this killed all the leaves on the lemon tree. For a while it seemed the tree might recover, but within a month it became apparent that the tree was dead. The stems had become dry and brittle.
Click the photo to enlarge it
In April of 2017, I bought a new Meyer lemon tree and put it in the west yard.  I lost flowers and fruit buds soon after I put it in the ground, but it soon produced new flowers.

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