Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Garden Plants
Herbs and Spices

Coriander - Wikipedia
Coriander - USDA PLANTS Database

Duration: Annual Origination: Southern Europe, North AfricaEdibility: All PartsStatus in Yard: Garden, Spreading

I have grown coriander in my herb garden for a few years, and now, in January 2017, seedlings have sprouted without my deliberately having sown them. It is good to have multiple coriander plants so some can be used for leaves, some for seeds to use in cooking and for reproduction. 

The plant's flowers grow in umbels, and the flower petals pointing away from the center of the umbel are much larger than the ones facing the center. A coriander plant was flowering on January 1, 2017.

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Coriander seeds