Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants
Grasses and Sedges

Lemongrass - Wikipedia
Cymbopogon citratus - USDA PLANTS Database

Duration: Perennial Native to: South Asia and maritime Southeast AsiaEdibility: leaf core at baseStatus in Yard: Garden

I planted lemongrass a couple times. I put one in the herb garden in early 2014, up against the patio. Here it is on June 10, 2014.
Click the photo to enlarge it
That one only had skinny blades, with little usable material for tea or cooking, and the size of the plant made it harder to access some of the other herbs. I removed that one.

In 2015, I planted another one outside the western back corner of my bedroom, at the eastern corner of my herb bed. It had grown well. My cat Max likes to hide underneath it when I look for him. For a while, I had a leaky hose that gave the plant too much moisture, and that caused some of the blades to develop fungus on the inside. Luckily, most do not have that problem.

I mostly use the lemongrass to make lemongrass and ginger tea.

The small lemongrass tuft I planted in 2015, was taking up a lot of space by July 4, 2016.
Click the photo to enlarge it

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