Green Flatsedge (Cyperus virens)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants
Grasses and Sedges

Nutsedge- Foraging Texas
Cyperus virens- USDA PLANTS Database
Cyperus virens - Southeastern Flora
Cyperus virens - Flora of North America

Duration: Perennial Origination: North AmericaEdibility: Tubers, seedsStatus in Yard: Uncertain

I took this picture on July 10, 2016. Since then, I suppressed the sedges in my back yard by putting a large leaf pile where they had been. The sedges first replaced the St. Augustine grass because of a leaf mould pile I had put there in 2015. In 2017, I am waiting to see which sedges grow there now that I have shredded all those leaves and moved them to a shredded pile elsewhere. I can already see sedges growing, but I can't identify them yet.

According to Foraging Texas, the seeds and tubers of all sedges (Cyperaceae spp.) can be eaten raw or cooked. Sedges tend to grow in wet soil, and Foraging Texas urges people to wash the tubers well before eating them.
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