Carrot (Daucus carota subsp. sativus)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Garden Plants
Root Vegetables

Carrot - Wikipedia
Carrots - The World's Healthiest Foods

Duration: Biennial Origination: Southwest AsiaEdibility: All PartsStatus in Yard: Garden

I planted carrot seeds in my first garden bed on the day I finished my first garden bed, August 25, 2013. They emerged on August 31.

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Carrot seedlings on April 18, 2014
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I sowed a lot of carrot seeds in late 2016 for spring 2017 harvest. I did much better than I have in the past, with a reasonable number of large-ish carrots, but they are mixed with tiny carrots that didn't grow much for some reason. Perhaps the larger carrots crowded them out, both underground and for access to light. Here is one of the small 2017 hauls, taken on April 6.
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If previous hauls, I kept the greens and ate some of them. This time I put them over clear areas of beds (usually along the sides) because I already have an overabundance of greens. Next year, I have to work even harder at giving food to my friends and neighbors.