Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Garden Plants
Herbs and Spices

Foeniculum vulgare - Wikipedia
Foeniculum vulgare - USDA PLANTS Database
Foeniculum vulgare - Missouri Botanical Garden

Duration: Perennial Origination: MediterraneanEdibility: Fruit, leaves, stemsStatus in Yard: Garden

Fennel grows well in my garden. I have used the stalks and leaves some in cooking, but I especially enjoy eating the fruit before it dries and becomes the commodity most people think of as seeds.

Here is some fennel I had in the dirt on Ocober 19, 2014.
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Fennel flowers on June 6, 2016
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One umbel of fennel flower buds about to bloom on June 6, 2016
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Fennel fruit on July 4, 2016. The dried fruit is what you buy at the store, they are not only seeds.

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