Goldenrain Tree (Koelreuteria paniculata)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants

Golden rain tree – Wikipedia
Koelreuteria paniculata - USDA PLANTS Database
Koelreuteria paniculata - Texas Invasives

Duration: Perennial, deciduous Origination: China and KoreaEdibility: SeedsStatus in Yard: Invasive, managed

This highly invasive tree is only represented in my yard by one young individual that hangs in over my back privacy fence (it is on my side of the low chain link fence that marks the property line) and the hundreds of seedlings that endlessly pop up all over my back yard and even sometimes in the front yard, where no flowering individual can be seen anywhere around. The main source of seeds is a large tree two houses east of me in the row of houses behind mine.

About once a year, I cut back the small goldenrain tree hanging over the fence. A huge mature tree lives two houses down behind my backyard. I’m sure it is the source of the many seeds that germinate in all the neighboring yards. The tree's balloon-like seed enclosures allow them to blow a good distance away from the mother tree.

The seeds are supposedly edible. In the future, I can try roasting and eating the seeds instead of letting them sprout in my yard, but they are a pain to collect since more fall into the yard every day in late fall.

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This is the stage of golden rain tree I normally encounter in my yard, namely, a small sapling. Fortunately, they are very easy to pull up, even when they are over six-feet tall.

This tree (below) has been growing between my wood privacy fence and the chain link fence marking the border between my property and that of the house behind mine. This picture was taken in September 2013, just a few months after I moved in. I have since cut it back to the trunk a few times, but I can only saw it to the height of the fence because the fence is in the way. Guys from the electric company also cut it back to clear room around the power cables.

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A goldenrain tree seedling on January 17, 2017
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