Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants
Small Woody Plants

Lobelia cardinalis - Identify That Plant
Lobelia cardinalis - Wikipedia
Lobelia cardinalis - USDA PLANTS Database

Duration: Perennial Origination: AmericasEdibility: Traditional medical usesStatus in Yard: Died, not replaced

I bought a potted cardinal flower plant on September 22, 2013.

That day or the next, I transplanted it to a bare spot near my back fence.

Click the photo to enlarge it
By November 3, 2013, all of the plants' flowers had fallen off as part of its normal annual cycle, and some seed pods formed.

I didn't know anything about its growth pattern, so I was disappointed when it seemed to die in the winter.  I thought it was gone forever, and I stopped paying attention.

On April 20, 2014, I discovered a new basal rosette of leaves growing where the previous plant had been. At the time, I didn't realize that what I was seeing was the cardinal flower.

On October 19, 2014 the plant was starting its seasonal decline again.

Over time, I lost track of its progress, and the area along the back fence has been covered with cut tree branches, grasses, and other plants, with me often walking all over it. I assume the cardinal flower plant did not survive all the competition and the injuries it suffered.