Loropetalum (Loropetalum chinense)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants

Loropetalum  - Wikipedia
Loropetalum chinense - Floridata.com

Duration: Perennial, evergreen Origination: Japan and southeastern AsiaEdibility: Not described as EdibleStatus in Yard: Removed

Loropetalum once stood by the water oak in the back yard, along with the Texas Sage shrub. Now, all three are gone. Of the three, I only regret having removed the water oak.

A previous owner of this house must have been going for an overall Chinese theme for the yards, since just about all the shrubs planted come from China or other parts of the far east.

This photo only shows a portion of the shrub, which spread out horizontally about ten feet.

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Loropetalum has unusual seed pods. This picture was taken on April 6, 2014.

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