Japanese Climbing Fern (Lygodium japonicum)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants
Ferns and Mosses

Lygodium japonicum - Wikipedia
Lygodium japonicum - USDA PLANTS Database
Lygodium japonicum – UF/IFAS Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants

Duration: Perennial Origination: eastern AsiaEdibility: Not known to be edibleStatus in Yard: Controlled, limited

I have found a couple vines of Japanese climbing fern among the Makino's holly fern along the back of my garage. It is the viney one in the foreground with non-fern-like leaves. This plant is extremely invasive in the eastern US.

On April 28, 2014, the small leaflets on the top end of the fern were visible above the more conventional looking stately maiden fern below it.