May 2017

May 1, 2017

I discovered some yellowing on  the lower leaves of some of my tomato plants. This might only be due to lack of sunlight in the dense collection of tomato plants.
I saw a blue endive flower on plants that survived neglegance under the tomatoes.
Some of the tomato plants were still producing more flowers.
The cantaloupe plants in Bed 3 are flowering.
The bush bean plants are producing small bean pods.
The Kentucky Wonder pole beans are quickly climbing the trellises.
The dewberry has been growing vigorously at the northern end of the shredded leaf pile.
I took photos of my sidewalk and discovered many green spots on it. These spots might be lichen.
I found a tuft grass in the front yard while I was mowing. It might be rattail smutgrass (Sporobolus indicus)
I spotted a single St. Augustine grass raceme poking up in the front yard.
I ate the black krim tomato I had picked a few days before. It had small holes in a few places, but it was mostly great on the inside. I only noticeds some messed up seeds in one section.

May 7, 2017

I saw a squirrel eating a tomato in the afternoon.
I tried to get a photo of a hover fly by my pole beans, but couldn't get one in focus.
The common sunflower had a lot of honeydew spots (or something like that), and many leaves were sagging and/or yellow. I found hundreds of aphids under one leaf, and white flies on the top of some leaves. Many Lady beetles and long legged flies were there for the aphids and whiteflies, and a few mud daubers were there.
The artichoke plants looked unhappy, so I watered everything in the raised beds. They perked up later.
The bush beans (contender) had some pods about 8 inches long. 
I identified the japanese climbing fern with more confidence than before.
I picked a couple giant marconi sweet peppers. They are growing abundantly.
The jalapeno plants have some small jalapenos.

May 8, 2017

I saw a squirrel eat the fruit buds off an eggplant plant.

May 10, 2017

I picked some of the contender bush beans.

I watered as needed and put some more catkins on plot 3 in bed 1, plot 7 in bed 3, and plot 1 in bed 4.

I videoed a monarch butterfly.

May 11, 2017

I did some weeding. I pulled up about half of the sweet potato spinach, and removed some crab grass, dallisgrass, monkey grass, rescue grass, St. Augustine around the raised beds, and daylily and threw much of it into the back nook. By clearing out the sweet potato spinach, I cleared a path all the way around the I bed.
I picked some ripe and nearly ripe tomatoes and put them in paper sacks in the kitchen. I also threw some rotten or invaded tomatoes into the back nook. 
I trimmed some diseased leaves off the brassicas in bed 2. The whole bed seems infected with a fungus or bacteria, and the plants are also getting attacked by harlequin bugs. The brassica's in the S and I beds are fine.
I set some of the cucumber and cantaloupe vines on the trellis clothslines. Some are already climbing well, and all are flowering.
The small tomato plant by the lantana has some small tomatoes.
I broke most of the suckers off the crape myrtle stump near the western corner of the back fence.
I videoed a red paper wasp with an insect in its mouth.
I spotted the first sedge flowers of the year.

May 13, 2017

Today was the first day I saw no more flowers on the orange day lilies.
I photographed a Deltocephalinae Leafhopper (Texananus excultus).
I found some harlequin bug eggs on the underside of a tuscana kale leaf.
I photographed parts of some sedges and grasses to determine their species more carefully.

May 16, 2017

I pulled down three of my tomato plants and brought a lot of unripe tomatoes into the house and put them in paper bags. I still have my cherry tomato and black krim plants in the garden. I put the pulled plants on the pile in the back yard nook

May 26, 2017

I harvested a beet and sowed okra seeds where I had removed tomato plants in Bed 2 as well as in a few empty spots in the I Bed.

May 29, 2017

I put up the leaf mold pen and filled it over the top with most of the shredded leaves that had been sitting in a pile since January. There are still a lot of shredded leaves to add when the ones in the pen settle enough to make room for them.

May 30, 2017

This morning I moved more logs to the new log pile behind the grape wire. I also moved the rotted logs that had been sitting in a pile for over a year to the walkways between the garden beds. In the process, I pulled up some plants, such as dayflower, amaranth, St.Augustine grass, and put them on top of the pile in the backyard nook. As I was taking apart that wood pile, I discovered a new fungus.