The Gardening Room

My house has three bedrooms. One I use as my actual bedroom, one is a study, and one I mostly use for gardening tasks and storage.

Sometime in the winter of 2014/2015, I bought a wire shelf and fluorescent lights so I could grow seedlings indoors. However, I was a couple of months too late for the winter crop. The three photos below were taken on February 22, 2015.

On the top shelf, I was growing seedlings for "Cherokee" tomatoes and some eggplant whose variety name I have lost. I was also growing some cat grass for my cat. This turned out to be the only success since the other plants had just sprouted at the time I should have been moving them into the garden.

On the next shelf down, I had broccoli "Di Cicco" and "Romanesco", tomatoes "Cherokee","Black Krim" and cherry tomatoes "Gardener's Delight", peppers "Early Jalapeno", "Padron", and a kind of
Poblano, and eggplant, most likely "Black Beauty".

To the right,I had more of the same. Below that shelf was a sweet potato spinach clipping, which I transferred to the bedroom wall area of the back yard soon thereafter. 

By March 29, 2015, I had at least a few plants I could add to the garden.

In the winter of 2017/2018, I had 96 pots in four trays. As of January 7, 2018, all but eight have sprouted. I arrange the pots by the size of the plants. The tomatoes grow much faster than everything else. I have had to raise the lights as high as they can go for them, and I have moved all the tomato plants together. Most of all the other seedlings are less than an inch tall.