Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Garden Plants
Fruit Trees and Vines

Punica granatum - Wikipedia
Punica granatum - USDA PLANTS Database
Pomegranate - Purdue University
Pomegranate - University of Maryland Medical Center

Duration: Perennial, deciduous Native to: IranEdibility: FruitStatus in Yard: One tree

I bought a pomegranate sapling in January 2015 at an Urban Harvest fruit tree sale at Rice University. When came time to plant in March, I cut back the tree to a foot-long stump, as directed, and planted it in the west front yard. I had to wait at least a month for a tiny bud to appear on the bare stick, and since then it has grown fine. In 2016, I saw a couple flowers on the tree, but no fruit yet as of January 2017. 

The newly planted pomegranate stump on February 22, 2015
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By March 29, 2015, the pomegranate had one small branch. At least I knew it was alive!
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The pomegranate tree on July 4, 2016
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