Southern Dewberry (Rubus trivialis)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Garden Plants
Fruit Trees and Vines

Rubus trivialis - USDA PLANTS Database
Rubus trivialis - Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

I have fond memories of picking dewberries as a kid when we lived near Hobby Airport. Across a storm ditch from our house was an open field that had a lot of dewberry brambles. So I was happy that some dewberry appeared in my back yard after I had stopped mowing it for a while. Unfortunately, I have only gotten a berry or two from it in the last couple of years, and now I have to be careful of the spines when I walk back into that area.
I found my first dewberry on the lot on April 13, 2014. At that time, it only had a few leaves.
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I soon put logs around the plant so I wouldn't accidentally trample or mow it. Here is the plant on August 7 2014.
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On March 29,2015, I saw two old flowers on the dewberry plant.
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