White Autumn Sage (Salvia greggii)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants
Small Woody Plants

Salvia greggii - Wikipedia
Salvia greggii - Texas Native Plants Database
Salvia greggii - USDA PLANTS Database

Duration: Perennial Origination: Southwest Texas, northern MexicoEdibility: Leaves and flowersStatus in Yard: Died, not replaced

I bought a potted sapling of white autumn sage at Joshua's nursery on  September 21, 2013. The last record I have of it says it was flowering on May 20, 2014. I planted it against the back fence the day I bought it. Since I put in the raised beds, I have needed to be able to walk along the back fence, and the perennials I put there in 2013 have suffered. 

The white autumn sage on the day I bought it.
Click the photo to enlarge it
A white autumn sage flower and flower buds on  September 22, 2013
Click the photo to enlarge it
On March 23, 2014, the plant was flowering and still looked fairly healthy. It must have been hard to compete with the nearby star jasmine.

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