Tremella fuciformis

Tremella fuciformis - Wikipedia

I found a few individual clumps of Tremella fuciformis on the oak logs bordering the easternmost garden bed in my back yard. They persist for at least a couple of weeks. 

From wikipedia:
Tremella fuciformis is known to be a parasite of Hypoxylon species. Many of these species were reassigned to a new genus, Annulohypoxylon, in 2005 including its preferred host, Annulohypoxylon archeri, the species routinely used in commercial cultivation. Following its host, fruit bodies are typically found on dead, attached or recently fallen branches of broadleaf trees. I have seen multiple Annulohypoxylon species on wood in my back yard.

This photo was taken on January 17, 2017. When I checked for them on February 5, they were all gone.
Click the photo to enlarge it

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