Berseem Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Garden Plants
Cover Crops

Trifolium alexandrinum - Wikipedia
Trifolium alexandrinum - USDA PLANTS Database
Berseem Clover - Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education

I bought a bag of berseem clover seeds online, and broadcast them into one of my rotation beds, but in my first try, many of the seeds didn't sprout, and the clover plants I got didn't grow well at all.
However, the seeds I sowed in Plot 1 from the same bag in the fall of 2017 grew profusely, and they flowered in March. This photo shows one plant flowering after I had covered the plot with shredded leaves and created mounds for butternut squash. The berseem wasn't slowed down much by the covering. The plant in the taller that it seems, since much of it is buried.

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