Berlandier Ash (Fraxinus berlandieriana)

Plants by Picture
Plant Taxonomy
Non-Garden Plants

Fraxinus berlandieriana - Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Fraxinus berlandieriana - Texas A&M - Trees of Texas
Fraxinus berlandieriana - USDA PLANTS Database

One of the azaleas on the west side of the driveway died in the fall of 2016. At some time thereafter, with the dead azalea still in place, a berlandier ash grew about a yard tall in that space. Its leaves only had three leaflets, instead of the usual five, so I wasn't sure what kind of ash it was. Early in 2017, I used my pruner to cut it off at ground level. A couple months later, I noticed another one where the first one had been. This time, its leaves had the usual five leaflets, which made me sure it was a berlandier ash. I kept cutting it back until it died. Soon after I identified this tree, I realized my neighbors across the street had a berlandier ash in their front yard, and it is packed with keys (its straight, single-winged fruit). A seed must have made it from there to my yard at some time. Here is the berlandier ash growing between the dead azalea branches on April 3, 2107. I later cut back the azalea to about a foot above ground level.
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